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ISFA | 3V3 Street Football World Cup

💥 第1回 3V3 Street Football World Cup 💥

📍ラトビア、リガ - Central Market Hangar




䞖界最倧のストリヌト サッカヌコミュニティは、地元のトヌナメントにお互いを招埅したり、゜ヌシャルメディアを通じお぀ながるこずで、ここ数幎で緊密になっおきたした。圌らの絆は深たり、この匷い絆が、第1回 3察3ストリヌトサッカヌワヌルド カップの匷固な基盀を築きたした。この倧䌚は、ストリヌトサッカヌの心ず魂を守るこずに䞻県を眮き、ブランドに䟝存せず、ストリヌトの人間ずしお私たちができるこずを蚌明するもの。息を呑むようなむベントを䌁画し、ストリヌトサッカヌに察する䞖界的な情熱を再燃させ、「ゞョヌガボニヌト」の真の粟神を取り戻そう。



⚜🫱🏻 🫲🏿❀🫱🏻 🫲🏿🌎

🖌 @paololucch

💥 1st Official 3V3 Street Football World Cup 💥

📍Riga, Latvia - Central Market Hangar

⏳1-2 November 2024

🌎 32 Countries

Throughout the last years there were certain groups of people who lived street football from the very first moment, dedicating their lives to this unique sport, shaping the urban culture of their respective cities out of pure love and therefore creating their own identity on the world map of street football.

This global movement thrives always and everywhere, from the rough barrios of Medellín to the neon-lit skyscrapers of Tokyo. From the bustling bazaars of Cairo to the infinite concrete arenas of Berlin.

The world’s biggest street football communities have grown closer over the last years by inviting each other to their local tournaments and connecting through social media. They grew that close that this strong bond has now laid a solid foundation for the 1st Official 3v3 Street Football World Cup - a brand-independent movement dedicated to preserving the heart and soul of street football - to demonstrate that as people from the streets we can organize a breathtaking event and reignite the global passion for street football, bringing back the true spirit of "Joga Bonito".

Be ready for the realest event of the year!



🖌 Art work by @paololucch

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